Case Study: E-factory

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eFactory, a company facing unpredictable and high AWS cloud costs, sought a solution to manage its expenses more efficiently. By implementing comprehensive AWS cost monitoring, analysis, and optimization tools, eFactory was able to gain visibility into their cloud spending, identify cost-saving opportunities, and improve financial planning. This case study outlines eFactory's challenges, the solutions they implemented, and the benefits they realized.

Customer Business Problem

eFactory's primary challenges included:

  • Unpredictable Spikes in Monthly AWS Bills: These unexpected cost increases made predicting and allocating budgets difficult, impacting overall financial planning.
  • Lack of Visibility: eFactory struggled to identify which services and resources were driving up costs, making it challenging to optimize their cloud spending.
  • Hindered Investments: The unpredictability and high costs limited eFactory's ability to invest in other critical business areas.

eFactory needed a comprehensive solution that offered cost monitoring, detailed analysis, and actionable optimization recommendations to regain control over their AWS spending and enhance cost efficiency.

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The Solution

To address these issues, eFactory implemented several AWS cost management and optimization tools:

  1. AWS Cost Explorer: Provided detailed insights into AWS spending, allowing eFactory to visualize costs and usage patterns over time. Cost Explorer's filtering and grouping capabilities enabled eFactory to identify specific services and resources driving costs.
  2. AWS Budgets: Allowed eFactory to set custom cost and usage budgets, receive alerts when costs or usage exceeded thresholds, and track progress against financial targets. This proactive approach helped eFactory manage spending and avoid unexpected bills.
  3. AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR): Delivered comprehensive and detailed billing information. By integrating CUR with third-party tools and internal systems, eFactory gained deeper insights into their cloud spending and resource usage.
  4. AWS Trusted Advisor: Provided cost optimization recommendations, identifying unused or underutilized resources. Trusted Advisor's insights helped eFactory take immediate actions to reduce unnecessary expenses.
  5. AWS Compute Optimizer: Offered recommendations for optimal instance types based on historical usage patterns. This tool helped eFactory ensure they were using the most cost-effective computing resources
  6. AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances: Encouraged eFactory to commit to consistent usage over a one- or three-year term in exchange for significant cost savings. These plans provided predictable billing and substantial discounts compared to on-demand pricing.

Implementation Strategy

eFactory implemented these tools in a structured manner to ensure effective adoption and maximum impact:

  1. Assessment and Planning: Analysed current spending patterns and identified key areas for improvement. Developed a detailed implementation plan, including timelines and responsible teams.
  2. Tool Integration: Integrated AWS Cost Explorer, Budgets, CUR, Trusted Advisor, Compute Optimizer, and Savings Plans into their existing workflows. Ensured all stakeholders were trained on how to use these tools effectively.
  3. Monitoring and Analysis: Established regular monitoring routines using AWS Cost Explorer and CUR. Analysed spending patterns and resource usage to identify trends and opportunities for optimization.
  4. Optimization Actions: Acted on Trusted Advisor and Compute Optimizer recommendations to eliminate unused resources, right-size instances, and implement Savings Plans. Continuously refined their approach based on real-time insights.
  5. Budget Management: Set and adjusted budgets using AWS Budgets to align with financial goals. Used budget alerts to stay informed about potential overspending and take corrective actions promptly.

Results and benefits

The implementation of AWS cost management and optimization tools brought several key benefits to eFactory:

  1. Cost Predictability: With AWS Budgets and Cost Explorer, eFactory gained better control over their spending, reducing unexpected spikes and enabling more accurate financial planning.
  2. Enhanced Visibility: Detailed insights from CUR and Cost Explorer allowed eFactory to understand which services and resources were driving costs. This visibility enabled targeted optimization efforts.
  3. Significant Cost Savings: By acting on Trusted Advisor and Compute Optimizer recommendations, eFactory reduced unnecessary expenses and optimized resource usage. The adoption of Savings Plans and Reserved Instances led to substantial cost reductions.
  4. Better Financial Planning: With predictable billing and comprehensive cost monitoring, eFactory could allocate budgets more effectively, freeing up resources for strategic investments in other areas of their business.
  5. Increased Efficiency: Continuous monitoring and optimization efforts ensured eFactory's cloud infrastructure was cost-efficient and aligned with their usage patterns, enhancing overall operational efficiency.


eFactory's strategic implementation of AWS cost management and optimization tools transformed their approach to cloud spending. By leveraging AWS Cost Explorer, Budgets, CUR, Trusted Advisor, Compute Optimizer, and Savings Plans, eFactory regained control over their AWS costs, achieved significant savings, and improved financial planning. This case study highlights the value of AWS's comprehensive cost management solutions in optimizing cloud infrastructure for maximum cost-efficiency and business growth.

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